Accepting updated connection details

If a payee makes any changes to their contact or bank account information that they've shared with you, you must accept the changes before you can send payments to the updated account.
Note: If the payee updates their Account Identifier details, you will not receive a notification to manually reactivate the payee. This change will be automatically approved in Corpay Cross-Border, and the connection will remain active.

To approve updated connection details

  1. In the Action Items list on Your Dashboard, click Connection updated bank information.

    Updated connections Action Item
  2. The Connections page opens and displays the ACTIVE tab. An exclamation mark Exclamation mark is displayed in the Actions column beside the connection that was changed.

    By default, all the connections that require reactivation are selected. In the table header, SELECT ALL is selected, and you can see a green check beside each of the connections that are selected for reactivation.

    Note: If there are a lot of connections listed on the ACTIVE tab, you can use the search filter to display only those connections with the status Reactivation Required.

    Updated connection
  3. Click the exclamation mark, click the CONNECTION name, or choose View from the dropdown list.

    You'll see a note in the section that was changed so that you know where to look for the updated information. Click the plus sign to expand the section. The field that was updated is displayed in bold text and shows the word updated beside it.

    Contact Address updated
  4. Click SAVE/ACTIVATE to approve the changes.
    You'll see a message at the top of the page that lets you know that the account has been approved and you can now send payments to this payee.

    Activation confirmed message

    Note: If a connection has shared more than one bank account with you, in the Beneficiaries list, you will see a separate entry for each bank account.
  5. To reactivate multiple connections at the same time, review the list of payees that require reactivation.

    If there are any connections that you do not want to reactivate right now, click the green check beside those connections. The check becomes grey to indicate that the connection is no longer selected and will not be reactivated.